If you are planning to do a professional interior painting job, you need a number of tools to get the job done right. Below are the top tools for professional interior painting you should consider as a Do-It-Your-Selfer or DIY enthusiast for a faster, easier, and professional-looking results.
Top Tools for Professional Painting
I. Painter’s Tape
You need painter’s tape to have clean lines like a professional interior painter. The tape is important for ensuring baseboards, ceilings, and other elements in walls and ceilings i.e., power outlets, don’t get painted by mistake.
II. Paint Tray
If you plan to use a paint roller, you’ll need a paint tray for easy paint application. A paint tray can also work with a paintbrush. Instead of dipping your brush repeatedly into a paint can, putting paint on a paint tray is easier.
III. Paint Mixing/Stirring Sticks or Drill Attachment
You should invest in a paint stirring drill attachment for largescale interior painting projects i.e., when you need to paint many rooms; otherwise, a paint mixing stick will work. While paint stirring sticks will get the job done, a paint mixing/stirring drill attachment will get the job done faster. Besides speed, a paint stirring drill attachment will result in better paint (smoother/creamier paint) that offers a better outcome.
IV. Ladders or Scaffolding
When painting your interior, you’ll need a ladder to access high areas. A ladder can get the job done. However, you may need scaffolding for higher than normal hard-to-reach areas. Scaffolding can accommodate more than one person and still have space for placing paint, among other items you need when painting high areas.
Viable alternatives include a painting pole. However, to access far-to-reach areas and paint like a pro, a ladder or scaffolding offers better proximity.
V. Non-Slip Drop Cloth/Floor Covering
Unless you are painting your floors, you need to cover them. Typical clothes don’t work because they slip. Non-slip drop cloth ensures paint droplets don’t stick on your floor. The covering is also a safety tool for preventing falls.
VI. Paint Brushes, Paint Rollers, and Sprayers
You’ll need paintbrushes or a roller, depending on your preferences. Variety and quality are important to get a perfect outcome. Rollers are generally preferable because they apply paint faster with less effort than paintbrushes. Brushes are a must have for cutting lines, painting trim, and getting into those hard to reach areas.
VII. Paint Touch-Up Pen
For a pro interior painting outcome, brushes and rollers aren’t enough. A paint touch-up pen is needed to work on some chips and scratches that are inevitable when painting.
VIII. Sand Paper or Scraper
For that perfect interior painting outcome, walls and other areas being painted must be prepared thoroughly. You should scrap old paint as well as other imperfections on walls before painting. Sandpaper or a scraper effectively removes old paint, bumps, and other imperfections that compromise the final look.
There you go. We’ve summarized the top tools for professional interior painting above. There are obviously other tools that may have been left out above. However, we’ve covered all the top tools we think are most important.
In case you need professional help with your interior painting project in Baton Rouge, consider Swift Painting LLC, the fastest-growing painting contractor in Louisiana. Swift Painting LLC will save you the time, effort, and resources spent on a DIY painting job while guaranteeing a professional outcome!